We know that some of you may be computer guru's and some of you are just learning how to use it but either way we want to give you a few tips on where to find information on our classroom blog. Blogs can come in so many different colors, pages, and designs so we want to help you efficiently use ours.
Each week the blog is updated with a variety of helpful information for you and here is how to find it.
When you first open our blog you are on the home screen which is where you are reading this post. There is also a "home" tab at the top left that will always bring you back to this page as well.
The second tab
News and Upcoming Events will link you to another page on our blog that will give you information about holidays, school events, meetings, etc...
The third tab
Homework will link you to the page that provides what homework assignments are for the week and when they are due.
The fourth tab
Quizzes and Tests will link you to the page that provides information on upcoming quizzes and tests, benchmark dates, etc...
The fifth tab
Helpful Links takes you to a page that will provide information on how to get to our school library page, computer lab page, and will soon be getting more helpful links for your child to access from home.
The last page
Contact Info. provides you will information to contact us.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience with us during our new adventure of classroom blogging!! If you see or think of something that would make our blog better please share with us your comments!!
P.S. if you are not sure on how to the bottom of this post you will see the word "comments". Just click the link and it will open up a new page for you to post your comments on.