Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Welcome to Third Grade!

Welcome to Mrs. Mouser and Mrs. Macat's third grade blog.  We are so excited to start this new school year and get to know your child.  We use this blog as a communication tool between school and home.  Instead of sending weekly newsletters we will put all of that information on this blog.  Anything regarding homework and due dates, upcoming events, important notes, etc. will be updated weekly to keep you informed.  Along with the day to day housekeeping information we will also use the blog to show you what we are doing in classroom.  You will get to see and hear all about what is going on at school.

Not only will we update the blog but throughout the year, your child will have the opportunity to do so as well.  We want you to hear from them about the things they are learning and experiencing in the classroom.  They get very excited about the cool new things they are doing and love sharing that with their family.

Please feel free to comment on posts that you read.  We love getting feedback and hearing from you, the parent. 

 Thank you for sharing your child with us and we look forward to meeting you on Thursday, August 23rd from 4:00-6:30.