Wow!~ We can't believe it is already February!! This school year is flying by and your child is learning more and more each and every day. Here is what we are learning about in class this week!
Reading & Language Arts
Our story we are reading this week is
Ramona and Her Father. We are discussing Problems and Solutions.
In Languare Arts we are learning about
Adverbs! If you click the link it will take you to a cool game!!
Social Studies
This week we are reviewing Communication, Inventions, and Transportation over time and how they have changed. We will be sending home a review sheet to study for our upcoming test next Friday, February 10th.
Math & Science
In math we are practice Patterns and Number Sequences. This week we are also working on learning our 12 Multiplication Facts! Click the link for the some
Multiplication Practice!
In Science we are discussing Forces, Motion, and Work!
Until Next Time!